Why Natural Organic Skincare Is Better For Your Skin

June 6, 2011

Natural, Organic Body and Skincare

Shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, liquid soap, hand creams, facial cleansers and moisturiser, lip balms... we all have them in abundance in our homes and use them on a daily basis - but when's the last time you turned the bottle around and read the ingredients list? Even if you did, you probably wouldn't be any the wiser since many of these products consist of a concoction of chemicals, largely by-products of the petrochemical industry, heavily disguised under long complex names. Sadly, many of these chemicals do not have any beneficial effect on the skin and are included for other reasons - as an emulsifier, to bind ingredients together, to improve the texture or to give the product a longer shelf-life.

Whats more, some of these chemicals have been found to have potentially harmful effects on the human body and have been linked to skin irritations, adverse reactions in certain body organs and even cancer.

The problem by now is that so many commonly used skincare products contain these toxic ingredients - even some of those that claim to be 'natural', 'hypo-allergenic' or 'dermatologically-tested' - that it has become a minefield of misunderstanding for the average consumer.

So what is the answer? Firstly familiarise yourself with some of the nastiest chemical ingredients and make sure you don't buy anything containing these. Here are afew to get you started:

Sodium lauryl sulphate - a moderately toxic detergent which can cause skin irritation - found in most shampoos and toothpastes.

Parabens - including methy,propyl, butyl or ethyl - preservatives which are found in many products and can irritate skin, eyes and respiratory tract and are possibly carcinogenic.

Propylene/ butylene glycol - a petroleum-derived solvent linked with respiratory and throat irritation and central nervous system disorders, amongst others.

DEA- diethanolamine - acidity regulator e.g.DEA cocoamide - severely irritating to body tissues and eyes and possibly carcinogenic.

Bearing in mind that nobody really knows, as yet, what effect a daily bombardment by a concoction of these different chemicals may have on the human body over a prolonged period of time, it seems it would make sense to cut out or at least try to reduce your exposure to these toxic toiletries. Buying truly natural, organic products is the only way to ensure that what you are using is 100% safe and trustworthy and always check the ingredients labels. If you are reading such natural components as shea or cocoa butter, olive, sunflower or almond oil, beeswax, distilled flower waters and essential oils then you know you are on the right track! Remember that the purest, most natural products which are high in skin-feeding antioxidants and natural vitamins, often do not contain any preservatives and so will not be found on the shelves of your average shop, but there are plenty of on-line shops selling fresh products and at reasonable prices.

Herbal Remedies and Natural Supplements

June 5, 2011

Natural Soap

Nature has bestowed an invaluable treasure in the form of herbs of India. India has ideally blended the science of ancient Ayurveda with modern scientific research and validation techniques for the herbal products to be at par with modern medicine. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of life, has been using the herbal resources such as botanical extracts of roots, stems, leaves, fruits, flowers and barks for effective healing since ages. These natural products are born with the sole objective of providing consumers the natural yet powerful alternatives to mass-produced, synthetic chemical cosmetics. The natural cosmetics are made from plants, roots, herbs and minerals. These herbal products are made from the nature's resources which enhance the beauty of an individual.

The natural cosmetic products such as Lass Glow Pack - Facial Therapy, Bonheur Jasmine Cheese Soap (natural Handmade Soaps), Almond-saffron Moisturizing Lotion (natural Body Care), Natural Breast Firming Cream, Massage Oil, Rose Honey Glycerin Soap with Petals and many more products are available in the market. The herbal products do not harm the skin and they are also effective in treating the skin ailments. Most of the people, who use natural skin care products, generally make their own products at home from naturally occurring ingredients.

Lass Glow Pack - Facial Therapy is specifically designed to nourish, soften, hydrate and reduce the signs of aging for all skin types. Lass Glow Pack - Facial Therapy utilizes anti-aging products that are known for their cell renewal properties and anti-oxidant effects that will uplift your spirits and will give the skin a more youthful appearance. Lass Glow Pack - Facial Therapy is proven to show significant and measurable improvements in skin's condition within a few days of use. This therapy provides inner health and an outer glow to the skin.

Bonheur Jasmine Cheese Soap (natural Handmade Soaps) removes toxins and body odour and takes care of the other external skin problems. The fresh clean invigorating scent of Jasmine and Cheese energies the mind and soul while it's comforting lather gently exfoliates and cleans the body. Bonheur Jasmine Cheese Soap (natural Handmade Soaps) makes the skin look younger and healthy, brighten skin tone and provide radiance. Bonheur Jasmine Cheese Soap (natural Handmade Soaps) is made with natural oils, which have high glycerin content, Aloe Vera and Shea Butter.

Almond-saffron Moisturizing Lotion restores natural skin balance. It protects skin from sun, wind and pollution. Its fast absorbing formula helps to prevent and protect dry skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth and naturally healthy looking. Almond-saffron Moisturizing Lotion (natural Body Care) cleanses, nourishes and treats your skin and helps to protect body from pollution and dirt. Almond-saffron Moisturizing Lotion (natural Body Care) is a smoothing way to replenish the lost moisture. It nourishes and moisturizes body and leaves a layer of protection on body surface. 

Homemade Soap Products - The Benefits of Using Natural Ingredients

June 4, 2011

You can make your own lye soap at home; it's not hard to do! All you have to do is combine fat with some sort of caustic agent, using water as your catalyst, and you have soap. 'Saponification' is the technical name for the chemical process between lye and fat.

And you won't need anything exotic to make your own soap; most of the ingredients you need may be as close as your grocery store. What will you need? For a basic soap, you only need water, lye, and some kind of fat and oil. For a more luxurious soap, you might want to add coloring dyes and scented fragrance oils.

You probably have water as close as your kitchen tap; some people prefer to use rainwater or distilled water in their soap. And what's lye, anyhow? It's chemical name is sodium hydroxide; it's a very strong base, so when you handle it. Make sure that you read the directions on the package of lye carefully, and following them scrupulously.

The first step is to dissolve the lye. Never pour the water into the lye; instead, pour the lye into the water. If half the water is ice, that's even better. Stir; as you stir, watch for the reaction. The lye can even boil the water; if this happens, stop stirring until the bubbling stops, and let the lye water cool down to room temperature.

So what about the oil? Just about any fat or oil can make soap, from plant oils to animal fats. Coconut oils will give a rich lather. Olive oil will yield fine, silky bubbles. If you use animal fat, make sure it' is clean, not rancid, has no salt, and is free of solid particles. You'll find tallow or lard will give you a denser soap.

When you batch starts to thicken, that's the time to add coloring and perfume oils. Pour the 'traced' soap into shape molds, and let it harden. It will have to 'cure' for one to three days, and then dry a bit longer before you can enjoy it.

Homemade, natural and specialty soaps are perfect truths for bath and body treatments. So if you are looking for a way to relieve your tension, forget about your bad day and just feel good, well treat yourself with some homemade soap products. They'll make your skin soft improve any skin conditions you have and help you connect with yourself.

Wheat Germ Oil - Making Homemade Soap

June 3, 2011

Natural Soap

Wheat germ oil is extracted from the germ of the wheat kernel. It is dark amber in color with a thick consistency and has a heavy scent. When stored in a dark, cool and dry location its shelf life can be six to eight months. This natural oil is used in different ways.

Wheat germ oil can be used as a cooking oil, but it is often very expensive. It has been used in massage oil formulations to soothe, relax, and soften skin. It is, also, used in a variety of commercial and homemade skin care products such as soaps, lotions, creams, and more. Its benefits make it nourishing for skin.

Wheat germ oil contains the benefits of vitamin D, E and A. It soothes and softens dry, irritated, burned and sunburned skin. It promotes skin cell formation helping to heal scars and stretch marks. It helps to smooth rough, cracked and wrinkled skin, therefore contributes to diminishing the signs of aging. It contains antioxidants benefits and anti-inflammatory properties, as well. This natural oil is found in many eczema or psoriasis skin care products.

Lots of soap makers use wheat germ oil but this, natural, soap making oil should only be used at approximately ten percent in soap formulations. Most soap makers use it to, basically, add moisturizing and skin care nutrients to their handcrafted soap. It helps to soften, soothe and moisturize dry flaky skin, dry scaly skin, cracked skin and more. This natural oil should not be heated too much. It should be added in the soap making process, after the hard oils have melted. It is, usually, a good idea to use this soap making oil as a small percentage of base oils or as a super fatting nutrient at trace.

You can learn how to make soap different ways. You can take in-person classes or learn, at home, with an audio visual resource, such as a DVD. Either way can provide you with an abundance of soap making information! You can learn, easy, soap making instructions, find soap recipes, learn by doing with trial and error, find resources and more! There are different methods to making soap, such as hot process soap making, cold process soap making and re-batching. Use the method that is most comfortable for you, or use them all! You can have all of the information you will ever need to make homemade soap! Use a soap making kit, containing oils, molds and other materials to help you get started making soap.

You can make YOUR very own homemade soap and enjoy the, healthful, benefits of wheat germ oil, today!

What's the Difference Between Natural and Regular Soap?

June 2, 2011

Natural Soap

Consuming natural or organic products is always the better choice if given the option. Your body performs better with organic foods, and your skin does better with natural soap. To help you make healthier choices, take a look at the key differences during the soap making process between natural and regular.

The ingredients are the first major difference. Through the making process, 'natural' soap is always a mixture of water, oil, and lye. Conversely, the regular types are detergent based from petroleum.

Other interesting finds in regular soap are isopropyl alcohol, BHT, and Tricoslan - an additive in much anti-bacterial brands. These additives are harmful to your skin. None, however, are found in natural soap.

The every-day effect on your skin is perhaps the most noticeable difference between regular and natural soap. Regular soap is often irritating to the skin, whereas natural soap has a soothing effect. Keep reading to find out why.

Alkali is the most common irritant found in regular detergent-based soaps. This substance makes your skin feel tight, itchy, or even sometimes flaky. Look at the label of the soap you're currently using to find out just how much alkali you're using.

After the soap making process, natural soap contains vast amounts of glycerin. This compound is fantastic for the skin - pulling moisture right out of the air. Glycerin makes your skin stay soft for longer, soothing and moisturizing your skin more that it would be by using regular soap.

Some people think that soap which is natural is much more expensive than regular soap. This is not true, for there is actually little difference in price between the two. If you want to bring the price down even further, consider making your own natural stuff at home.

Other people claim that buying natural soap is more inconvenient than buying what they are used to. Organic and natural products are increasing in popularity, however, and soap that is natural is not difficult to find. You can even shop for soap online, opening up a wide variety of natural products.

What Soaps to Use to Prevent Acne

June 1, 2011

Natural Soap

If you are looking for the soaps that you can use to prevent acne from appearing on your face, you should spare some time to read this short article. In this article, you will discover the soaps that are best to treat your skin problems. Before using any soap for your skin, it is better for you to read this article first and educate yourself.

Here are 3 soaps that are recommended to prevent acne:

1. The first soap is tea tree oil soap that you can use regularly in your body and in your face. Tea tree oil soap is really helpful to soften your skin, open clogged pores, and maintain balance in your skin. It is also safe for sensitive skin and can be used regularly. This soap is recommended to be used before and after using certain homemade acne masks to keep your skin clean. Regular usage of this soap will prevent acne from spreading on your face.

2. The second soap is green tea soap. Green tea contains natural antioxidant that will keep your skin free from dirt, toxins, and bad substances. It will give you a fresh sensation in your skin. Green tea soap is a soap that is recommended to be used if you have problem with irritation, rash, and inflammation. It will also prevent acne from spreading on your skin.

3. The third soap is honey soap. Honey is known as a good soap with anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, anti-bacterial, and anti-oxidant properties. Honey is safe to be used in sensitive skin and you can use this soap to prevent acne. It is also good for acne treatment.

Those 3 soaps are good for your skin because they have natural properties to keep your skin in healthy condition. It is suggested for you that you should replace your regular soap with any of those soaps in order to get maximum protection from acne. Moreover, there are some things that you need to know about soaps for acne.

Here are some things that you need to know:

- Regular soap often has harsh chemical components that are harmful for your skin. So, never use them to treat your acne because they will not work.
- Regular bar soap can cause irritation and aggravate your acne, so it is better for you to replace your soap with natural soap.

Another tip to remember:

When choosing natural soap, choose the soap that is well suited for your skin. That means the soap should not have any bad side effects for your skin. As many people have various skin types, you should observe your own skin for any negative effect.

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