Soap is something I am very particular about, because of the properties it contributes to bodily hygiene all round.
So in my opinion soap needs to be full of natural ingredients such as fruit, lye and herbs. Soaps are something everybody I know uses at one time or another. It is great with natural ingredients, refreshing is the word I'm looking for. Would you like me to tell you how to make your own soap? It is as easy as this, You take some caustic soda and Combine it with some fat using water as your main catalyst.
Performing a method that is very important in soap making, The name we use for this process is called saponification the technical name for the working of fat and lye.
People may think that you need lots of exotic ingredients that are hard to find to make soap. On the other hand their are lots of ingredients to choose from out there,
and they can be found near by in places like your local fruit and veg store. Fresh herbs are a rich source of natural soap making, the use of scented oils are also a key factor in the process.
For me I prefer to use ingredients that enhance my soap like lavender a cool but robust scent.
Sometimes people have been known to use distilled water or rain water but if you cannot get them then just go to the tap it's easier, although I must say that distilled water is my personal favorite.
Some of you may be thinking what is lye? It's a chemical base, called sodium hydroxide it's very strong so be very careful in using lye.
The first step to making your own soap is to dissolve the lye, but don't add the water to the lye. It is very important that you pour the lye into the water, and in my opinion it is always best if half the water is ice cool. Then you stir slowly watching closely for the reaction that the water gives with this mixing process. You don't want the mix to start to react in a way that it looks as if it is boiling. If you notice this happening you must stop stirring immediately and give the mix time to cool, room temperature is good.
Oil is the next ingredient I would like to introduce, you may use any type of oil. Let me give you a few examples, you may use oils that are extracted from plants like roses and geranium. other oils or fats that are popular are animal fats and vegetable oils. My personal favorites are coconut and olive oils, coconut gives your soap that rich texture while olive oil will give that clear sort clean look.
As for the animal fat it's not recommended but if you have to use it then make sure it is clean and salt free.
It needs to be solid particle free, you will find that tallow or lard will be the best choices in animal fats, because they make your soap more wholesome but yet gives a more dense feel.
By this point your batch will have started to thicken now you may add perfumes coloring and oils. The next step is to pour the soap trace into your mold then leave to harden. You will have to give a curing time of 1-2 days before its ready. But wait a little longer before you can truly enjoy your fresh homemade soap.
The properties of handmade soap are the oils, herbs that relax you after a hard days work, as they help you connect with yourself, if you know what I mean. So get soap making.
By Andrew Dekannwarri
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