Soap can be used as a highly effective insecticide which is safe for your garden, your pets and your family. None of us want to spray toxic chemicals where they may be breathed or ingested by our pets and children, but sometimes we really need to do something to sort out all those garden pests.
One of the simplest methods of pest control is by utilising natural soap. It is completely non-toxic to us and our pets but does cause serious problems for insects and other garden pests. The principle is simple, just dilute liquid soap so that it is spray-able, and then spray affected plants.
But, there are a few key points to remember.
Never spray new buds, allow them a few weeks to toughen up first.
Respray after rain and at least once a week during times of peak insect activity.
Do not spray edible parts of plants for the few weeks prior to harvest.
Always test spray an area first as some plants are sensitive to soap sprays (notably cherries and maples).
Never use detergents if making homemade soap spray, as these can damage many sorts of plant.
Consider strengthening the power of your insecticidal soap spray by adding garlic or chili but again test this on a small area of any newly treated plants.
Using insecticide soap spray is an extremely economical and environmentally friendly form of pest control but it is not 100% foolproof. Remember to check plants regularly for new signs of attack and don't forget how effective simply removing pests by hand can be!
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